Friday 31 August 2018

Day 149: Time

Dinner Menu:
  • Tarte à la tomate de grand-maman
  • Salade verte
  • Fromages
  • Carré de chocolat noir 90%
  • Badoit
Finally it seems we may get rid of the summer/winter time change.  I read in today's Monde that the European Commission is going to push for this aberration to be stopped after a poll of European citizens found 80% in favour of single time.   I have never understood the purpose of introducing a different time twice a year.  I always felt the inconvenience of  having to adjust your sleep patterns twice a year far outweighed any potential benefits which never actually materialised.   I do find it interesting that the plan is to be on permanent summer time (which is the artificial one). Before the introduction of the change we were on winter time all the time, now we will be on summer time all the time - I guess that goes with global warming ;-).  Since we are deciding our new time maybe we should be more radical. With the new time on the shortest day of the year the sun will rise around 9AM and set at 6:30PM, if we want longer evenings now is the time to express our opinions. Also lets not forget that we are making a political statement.  If we decide to move to permanent summer time we are getting closer to Chinese time if we move to winter time we would be moving closer to the US. Considering the present occupant of the White house I'm thinking the Chinese option may be a better bet.  


  1. Menus: What’s with all these plastic bottles ( badoit) waste?? Not very environmental about a bubble making machine for tap water. Would you like that instead?

  2. Fair point. I have been feeling guilty, I will look into the alternative.


Day 365 (bis) : End!

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