Tuesday 21 August 2018

Day 139: Clutter

I'm back in Paris and the first thing I did when I got home was go through my closet to reorganise and reassess.  Having spent a couple of weeks in a house which was overflowing with stuff I was keen to get rid of anything superfluous in my wardrobe.  It's actually harder than it seems.  Although I don't think of myself as a big shopper I have accumulated a lot of clothes which can be split into 4 categories:

  1. Clothes I wear regularly
  2. Clothes I wear for specific occasions or activities
  3. Clothes I have not worn in over a year
  4. Clothes which are a bit too small but I'm hoping will fit me again one day!
Categories 3 & 4 are the difficult ones.  Part of me feels I should just get rid of all of the items in those categories but then I feel that I am throwing away some perfectly good items which would be wasteful.  Maybe I should do a list of what would be a reasonable amount of clothes to have and then give away everything I have in surplus.  I'm sure that I would need less than half what I have.  Actually I'm going to do that exercise and I will come back to you with the results.

1 comment:

  1. Give the too small one to H.! Marie Kendo is the fengshui closet queen. Folding in her specific way makes and taking time to hold each item in your hands with the question : does this clothing give me joy now? Or something like that... if the answer is no, or a sigh, or hesitation, then off with its head! Give it away.


Day 365 (bis) : End!

Well this is it.  After 365 days my blog is finally coming to an end.  I know there have been ups and downs, good and bad, controversial an...