Friday 13 July 2018

Day 101: Moralilty

  • Gaspacho de mangue
  • Poulpes et poireaux
  • Eau gazeuse
I went to the theatre with Fianna tonight.  I am not a big fan of the theatre mainly because I find that the seats are designed for people half my size which makes for uncomfortable experience.  However the main actress is a friend of  Fianna's and it was based on one of my favourite books : Les liaisons dangereuses.  As I know the story quite well my mind drifted a little during the play and I wondered if the story had any meaning outside its context.  The play works because of the particular morality (especially feminine) of the 18th century which frowned upon sex and seduction.  In the 21st century  (in many parts of the world) sex and seduction are not moral issues anymore they are personal decisions.  As long as there is no power or force involved people are left to do what they want with no social stigma. So I wonder what morality will look like in another 200 years.  Are there still things that we find immoral nowadays and that will seem normal in 2200 ?  Privacy might disappear under the pressure of social media.  Clothing might become optional as global warming will have raised average temperatures by more than 6° C  (especially if I don't succeed in my 1 billion people taking cold showers objective).  And finally it looks like lying is already becoming standard practise certainly if you look at what's happening in the US with the Peacock President.

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