Tuesday 29 May 2018

Day 56: Immigration

There was a totally ridiculous story in the news recently. A gentleman from Mali who had "forgotten" to obtain the right paperwork to stay in France, happened to save a child by climbing 4 stories of a building,  Thanks to his heroic deed he has been received by president Macron, promised adequate paperwork and given a job in the fire brigade.  Although I'm delighted that this particular person will receive adequate paperwork I do feel that if every potential migrant has to be personally interviewed by Macron the system may not be sustainable. 

I cannot understand why people should be required to have special papers to be able to work.  Surely if you manage to get here and you find someone who will hire you, that should be enough.  What is the moral justification for refusing to let people make a living ?  Is it acceptable that you are allowed to get a job in Marseilles if you were born in Lille which is 1,000 Km away but not if you were born in Algiers which is only 750km away ?  What exactly is the benefit of this system?  I'm pretty sure there is absolutely no evidence of a link between immigration and unemployment if anything its the opposite the higher the level of immigration the lower the unemployment level.

Since we don't have Military Service anymore I suggest we install an Immigration Service. In order to benefit from French Nationality you need to have spent at least 2 years working abroad.  in 1789 France published the Declaration of Universal Human Rights not of French Human Rights. If we say they are universal surely at a minimum anybody who happens to be in France should Benefit?  It seems to me that passport discrimination is as bad as religious or race discrimination and has not better ethical justification.

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