Thursday 17 May 2018

Day 44: Article 13

Considering my last 2 blog subjects I consider it a personal affront that Eliot got a 20 out of 20 for singing God save the Queen in his music class today (but I'm happy for him that he did well).

Talking of Eliot, he was invited to attend his "cousin's" birthday this weekend in Switzerland.  However he can't go because it would entail crossing a border.  Surely this concept is one of the most useless and damaging concepts ever invented.  Eliot can travel by himself for 500km but he can't do 1 km across a border because somebody drew a line on a map. I think that if I had to choose which one had to go first between royalty, religion and frontiers I would definitely choose the latter of these.   How can anyone justify the existence of borders ? Even if there was a reason to have borders why should they have such diverse land masses from the Vatican to Russia ?  Actually I find the Vatican's borders exactly the kind I could live with: they only exist on a map., there are no border guards, customs official, or barriers.  Who ever first came up with the concept of a passport must have had a strange and twisted mind.  Why would you need a piece of paper to travel?  We need to amend the universal declaration of human rights, if indeed men and women are born equal than how is it acceptable to restrict their freedom of movement?

Actually my mistake the declaration of human rights says :

Article 13. 

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
What I find interesting is that you have the right to leave and return to your country but you do not have the right go to another country (I'm not sure how that makes sense).
Let's start a petition to modify article 13. I suggest the following:

Article 13. 

Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence anywhere in the world.

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