Friday 11 May 2018

Day 38: Countryside

The food fest has started:


  • Pain maison, Beurre Maison, Confiture de Framboise maison


  • Salade du Jardin, 
  • Poireaux et chou fleurs à la crème maison
  • Fromages et pain maison (avec ou sans gluten)
  • Fromage frais avec crème maison saupoudré de sucre


  • Fritures de poissons de l'étang
  • Tanches à l'ail et au citron
  • Ragout d'agneau de la ferme
  • Riz pilaf
  • Munster et pain maison
  • Gateau aux framboises, Gateau au Chocolat et crème ... Maison (good guess)
My uncle's house is a wonderful place, not just because of the warm welcome and leisurely atmosphere).  The house itself is rustic but charming with big rooms, high ceilings and lots of independent bedrooms. It is surrounded by forests, fields and animals. Its clearly a paradise for kids.  When you take children to the countryside (or to small villages like Préfailles where I spent a lot of my childhood holidays) you realise how important it is to be able to give them an early sense of freedom and how much they enjoy it.  The problem with living in cities is that for some reason they have become associated with danger.  It used to be that danger was something that you were confronted with in nature, people would congregate in groups to make sure they were safe from wild animals or possibly enemy tribes.  Now it seems it's the opposite, the bigger the grouping of people the more people feel unsafe.  The "enemy" is everywhere.  

Of course there are many benefits to living in cities (cold showers are slightly less cold for example) but still I wonder if we shouldn't pay more attention to that inner child we are all supposed to have inside us and who may have the right idea about the environment humans should live in.

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