Tuesday 15 May 2018

Day 42: Royalty


  • Salade de poulet et foie de volailles avec tomates fraîches
  • Yaourt de brebis avec bananes et myrtilles
  • Chocolat Noir 80%
Tomorrow is a fasting day and a travel day as I am going to see a client in Rennes.

I often listen to BBC 4 Radio in the morning while doing my 4 mins of Plank (before my cold shower), and todat they were wittering about some minor crisis in the upcoming Royal Wedding in the UK.  I must say that I cannot understand why kings, queens, princes and princesses are still operating their racket (mainly in Europe actually). Royalty is the antithesis of democracy you become king or queen through birth neither merit, nor persuasion, nor leadership are involved.   What kind of message is that sending to people.  The highest office in the land (I'll get back to that) is inherited.  Is this the right approach to jobs?  After all if the Head of State can inherit the job why should this not extend to other professions?   Teachers, Policemen, Plumbers, Carpentars, Engineers, Doctors, Lawyers, Pilots, Football players or Judges? For all these professions you need to have demonstrated a minimum of training and aptitude.  So are we saying that Head of State is such a useless and undemanding job that anybody can do it, trained or not? If that is the case then I would suggest one of two possibilities:
  1. Let's have a lottery for Head of State.  It could be once a Year for a 2 year term.  The first year being trained by the previous Head of State and the next year training your successor.  I'm sure this system would be guaranteed to make just as many headlines in the popular press and on TV shows as the current Royals.  The opportunities for comic relief and prurient interest would be endless.
  2. We get rid of the whole concept of Head of State. Why do we need one? Isn't parliament sovereign in most democratic systems? If a law is passed by Parliament surely that should suffice?  We do not need the added signature of a person with no legitimacy other than two people with titles having had intercourse without contraception quite a long time ago.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe this is the reason : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discours_de_la_servitude_volontaire ?


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