Tuesday 1 May 2018

Day 28: SmartDesk

A few years ago I heard about standing desks and thought it would be cool to have one.  But at the time it seemed complicated and expensive  so I gave up on the idea.  Last week I went to one of my clients in Rennes and they had just expanded their offices.  In their new offices they had installed electric desks which you can use sitting or standing!  As soon as I got home I looked it up on Amazon and hey presto I now have an electric SmartDesk. 

This is really cool!  Its healthy and energetic to be standing to write my blog.  Not only am I saving the world and working for global peace I am at the same time consuming extra calories (50 per hr) and keeping in shape.  This is what they meant by mens sana in corpere sano.  So I wrote the first half of this blog in the up position as you can see in the picture on the left.

The rest of this will be written in the sitting position (see bottom right) ... just because I can!

In addition to making my day, the purchase of this desk has also provided me an ethical dilemma which I can now share with you all.  I ordered my SmartDesk straight from the manufacturer who has a website.  The cost of the desk was 320€ (which was the same price it was going for on Amazon), however once I had ordered it the company added 60€ of tax which I had not counted on.  Having noticed this I sent them an e-mail the next day saying I wanted to cancel my order because of the extra tax.  They wrote back saying they understood and would proceed with a refund which would take a few days.  Then the next day I received an e-mail from their warehouse saying that my shipment was on the way.  I immediately wrote back saying I did not understand as I had cancelled my order. Again I received an email saying absolutely they had cancelled my order.  the next day my doorbell rang and the SmartDesk was delivered.   A few days later I checked my bank account and they had also processed my refund. So dear readers as part of the interactive experience you get to vote on my possible solutions:

  1. I send the SmartDesk back (anybody voting for this doesn't realise how cool it is)
  2. I send a full payment to the company 
  3. I call the company and negotiate a discount of the tax amount (as an expert negotiator)
  4. I keep the desk and my fingers crossed
  5. I call the company tell them they have big problems in their supply chain and sell them a consulting project
All votes need to be accompanied by an essay on the moral and legal justification of your position.

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