Thursday 5 April 2018

Day 2: Environmental Cold Showers

Today was an eating day. Hooray! 

Breakfast: Coffee and toast with blackcurrant jam

Lunch: Rabbit paté (from my favourite butcher) and cheese

Dinner: Daddy's rice dish (secret recipe) and green salad

Definetely worth fasting for!

On a different subject, some of you may know that for the last couple of months I have been taking 5 minute cold showers every morning.   Relax, I am not going to go into a lengthy lecture about  how healthy it is for your body and mind to embrace CST (cold shower therapy).

But this morning I woke up around 5:34 am and made a quick calculation:

1) A 5 min hot shower uses around 35 litres of water at 40° C.

2) It takes 1.2 kwh of energy to heat 35 litres water from 13° to 40°

3) So if you take a hot shower everyday you are using 400kwh per year

4) Thus, if 1 billion people stopped taking hot showers we would save the equivalent energy (and global warming effect) of 100 million cars (thats the equivalent of all the cars in Germany, France and Spain)

No pressure but if you switched your morning shower from hot to cold you would be saving our planet and ensuring that I can still go skiing for the next 30 years. 

All of you who are still on facebook (shame on you) I urge you to spread the word:

No hot showers in 2019


  1. I enjoyed the read but you can't criticize the medium (facebook) and just afterwards encourage its use.I am glad you switched to blogspot by the way, i can now delete tumblr as swiftly as I downloaded it.
    Awaiting your next post

  2. Go cold showers !!!


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