Thursday 19 April 2018

Day 16: Shelf Space

It's a catastrophe in the making... I'm running out of space on the shelves that house my BD (graphic novels for non french speakers) collection.  When I finally finished organising them (around 1,500 albums) I thought I had a few years of me before the shelving was full but it seems I underestimated my Monthly BD Purchasing Rate (MBDPR). We like acronyms in the consulting world.  So what are my options? 

  1. Reduce my MBDPR (that's going to be difficult  and any way I would have to go down to zero which is not an option)
  2. Add an extra shelf above the sofa (That would give me room for another 60, the only downside being that my guest might occasionally get knocked out if getting up too abruptly from the sofa)
  3. Get rid of the ones I don't re-read or don't really like. (That would feel like a betrayal, as if I was disowning my former self)
  4. Buy another apartment in the building to put my BD (I don't consider that to be a financially viable option at present)
  5. Distribute my BD to my children as an early inheritance (They don't have permanent accommodation yet and, anyway, I don't believe in inheritance.  More on this subject in a future blog)
  6. Sneak some of them onto other shelving that we have in the flat (I've actually started doing that discreetly, unbeknown to Fianna, oups I forgot she reads this blog)
  7. Replace individual albums by complete sets which take up less space (I have actually started implementing that solution, but it seems costly and wasteful to buy albums I already have in a different format and what do I do with the old ones? Actually come to think of it I have a big family with plenty of birthdays so a solution comes to mind...)
Solution 7 seems ideal.  So, dear readers, if you have any preferences now's the time to put in your requests.  You will be receiving, rectangular A4 sized packages for all future Birthdays, Xmases, Bar/Bat mitzvahs, Communions, Easters, Anniversaries, Dinner parties, Weddings, Birth announcements and Graduations.

Another fasting day. Only 98 more to go.


  1. Well you know which ones I want ...

  2. And if you give them (or any others I like) away all hell will break lose. Be warned

  3. I’d probably like to have the ones S_sh_ likes. Bday is may 16th

  4. I don't know what these are, but surely you can give them to your children without considering them to be an inheritance. You're alive, aren't you? Can you stack them under a bed? Or make a table out of them with a glass top?


Day 365 (bis) : End!

Well this is it.  After 365 days my blog is finally coming to an end.  I know there have been ups and downs, good and bad, controversial an...