Monday 16 April 2018

Day 13: Entrepreneur

Today was a Fasting day: Water, coffee, coffee, badoit, looking wistfully at the left over paté from yesterday, more water and evening tea.

It was a busy and slightly stressful day (due to work) so I think I may have forgotten to take enough water (or possibly I should have looked longer at the paté).

As I mentioned earlier I have sold my petrol Scooter and so I'm now looking into an electric replacements and it's disappointing.  At the moment my changes are between the extortionately expensive BMW and some quite cheap Chinese scooters which seem a bit flimsy. 

There is clearly a gap in the market.  I was reading that there are over 150,000 scooters and motorcycles zipping around Paris every day. It must be the most scooterised city in the world (outside China and India).  So where is the Tesla of the Electric Scooter market?   

As some of you I nearly took up a position as Executive Director of a European electric scooter company.  And I have to say I'm still a little sorry that it didn't work out. Having been a consultant for practically all of my career I liked the idea of actually producing a physical object (especially something that I actually like to use and that makes me feel good).

In order to maintain your high level of interest and to give you chance to participate, I am making this blog interactive.  Those of you who feel I should remain in my consulting role vote SAFE those of you who feel I should become a scooter entrepreneur vote EXCITING.

Once all votes are in I will decide how to count them and what the results mean.  Any attempt to influence the vote or dissuade people from voting will be blamed on foreign agents and citizens of nowhere.


  1. Exciting !
    Also : I fasted today too.

  2. EXCITING (because that way I'll get a great discount on an electric scooter!)

    On second thought maybe SAFE, given that you always insisted that Louis and I pay at Wokbar.

    No no, I'll stick to EXCITING after all.


  3. Well I'm always one for EXCITING, although SAFE would be the best for my own interests.

    Go for EXCITING though

    I don't think you're surprised by the overwhelming majority on EXCITING since, well, it is more exciting for us, especially as readers of your blog.

  4. Interesting Fabien! You are not the only one who was sorry. Some interesting developments possibly going on at the moment with a potential buyout. However, if you are considering an electric scooter for yourself you should certainly consider ours, in my opinion, as they should be available through the French distributor and should be supported by them. Quite a lot cheaper than the BMW, comparable or better in many respects and, I believe, much better than the cheaper Chinese models.

    If the buy out goes ahead they should become available through the new brand in due course with different models planned including a three wheeler. I still have my older bike I bought back in 2009 in Aus with a new battery a couple of years ago or so that, from recollection, used to do around 60 miles of range quite reliably. I have another friend who may be wanting to try it with a view to buying but if he doesn't you could give that consideration, although I am not sure what process you would have to go through to import it into France.


Day 365 (bis) : End!

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