Monday 25 June 2018

Day 83: Speed

Today I got up at 6am, I fasted all day, went to Rennes and came back and then worked till 1 o'clock the next morning.

When I got home I saw that Sasha had received a speeding ticket (her car is registered to my house). Aside from giving me something to write about at this late hour, I'm not sure I agree with the concept of speeding tickets for two reasons:

  1. Considering the technology we have today it would be easy to make cars which could not break the speed limit.  Allowing the sale of fast cars and having speed limits is be a bit like allowing the sale of guns and yet prohibiting murder (does that really make sense?)
  2. If we are going to have speeding tickets they should be linked to income.  Surely it's not fair that a poor student has to pay the same fine as a well off banker?  I'm in favour of income linked fines.  If a person on minimum wage has to pay a 45€ traffic fine then someone earning 10 x that should pay 450€.  The present system is just a flat tax on speed which is highly unfair.
 It is now 2am and Fianna can't go to sleep without me which is why I am cutting today's blog short.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Really sorry. I removed it by mistake I hit the wrong button. Nothing to do with the fact that I don't agree with your analogy. A lot of people would argue that being as far as years are concerned less rather than more is better!

  3. I gave you an extra point as compensation for my mistake


Day 365 (bis) : End!

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