Monday, 29 October 2018

Day 208: Restaurant

Today was a fasting day.

Fianna and I were just the two of us most of this week as the boys were are their Dad's house.  As we were sitting down to our home cooked meal Fianna pointed out that we rarely go to restaurants since I have come back from London.  It's true that I find restaurants often disappointing especially as far as value for me is concerned.  I feel that a restaurant has to be exceptional to be worth the effort.  It is never as comfortable as eating at home, usually lengthy and often not as healthy. I think the restaurant business has not yet taken on board the sharing economy.  I'm thinking we could develop the AirCafé concept.  People would make a certain number of places available to "guests" at their dinner table on a certain date for a fee.  The cost of the meal would be low compared to a restaurant (mainly covering the ingredients of the meal) but enough to make it interesting for the host.  In addition to having a good meal the host and guests would have a lively discussion.  With the usual internet peer to peer feedback system you could rate hosts and guests. I don't think I would do this regularly but I would definitely be interested in testing it out occasionally as a guest or as a host.


  1. This exists in Cologne and works beautifully .

  2. So when are you starting it in Strasbourg?


Day 365 (bis) : End!

Well this is it.  After 365 days my blog is finally coming to an end.  I know there have been ups and downs, good and bad, controversial an...