Thursday, 28 February 2019
Day 330: Handwriting
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
Day 329: Poll
- That your experience of time change is very negative
- That time change should be forbidden
- Its very important that the EU decides to stop the time change
- We should chose Winter time as the permanent time
- France's Time Zone should be UTC+1 (Like Germany, Italy and Spain)
Tuesday, 26 February 2019
Day 328: Vow
- One or both parties stays angry and sullen which usually brings about increased grievance
- One or the other decides to ignore the issue. Somebody just pretends the argument didn't happen, which usually means the other party will feel frustrated
- Both parties continue to discuss the issues and make their points until the both feel they have been heard. The issue may not have been resolved but both people can move on without feeling frustrated or angry.
Monday, 25 February 2019
Day 327: Prize
Sunday, 24 February 2019
Day 326: Exchange
Saturday, 23 February 2019
Day 325: Big Data
Friday, 22 February 2019
Day 324: Saturday
Thursday, 21 February 2019
Day 323: Bath
Wednesday, 20 February 2019
Day 322: Assessment
Tuesday, 19 February 2019
Day 321: Fashion
Monday, 18 February 2019
Day 320: Parties
7 MPs have decided to quit the Labour Party to form an independent grouping (not a new party). They seem to be a disparate bunch united mainly by their pro European stance and their exasperation with the present Labour leadership. Although there seems to be little belief that they will manage to change the political system they made me realise that part of the problem is the existence of political parties. If there were no political parties people would have to actually pay attention to what their local candidates were saying. You couldn't just vote for a party for tribal reasons you would have to decide whether you agreed with a candidate's views rather than his parties views. Also no parties means no party discipline so candidates would vote according to their conscience rather than according to party leadership. Isn't the whole point of representative democracy to have a wide variety of opinions expressed in Parliament?
Sunday, 17 February 2019
Day 319: AI
Last night we watched ex machina an interesting slightly disturbing film about the creation of an "intelligent" robot which can pass for human. The Turing test is a well known AI test which is based on interacting with a computer on a screen and not being able to tell whether it is a human or a computer. Of course as this is a Holywood film the robot has a female form. What I found interesting was that during the film we start to root for the robot as "she" is effectively a prisoner in the testing facility. But in my view the only reason we identify with it is because the machine has been given a human form. If the robot was just a square metal box or an insect like form I'm not sure we would have the same sympathy whatever the quality of its dialogue. I'm not sure how far AI will go in being able to develop "artificial humans" but I think we should avoid giving them human form. In the long term it is probably healthier if machines are always recognizable for what they are.
Day 318: Smart
Cars should be purely utilitirian pieces of equipment. They are there to transport you from A to B efficiently and yet there is an inate pleasure to be had from driving certain cars. Recently electric Smarts have appeared in the streets of Paris and I do find them cool, especially the convertible ones. In principle I have limited interest in cars but for some reason electric cars have changed my perspective. I feel the sense of freedom that we get from driving our cars is magnified by the silence, it's like having a magic carpet.
Friday, 15 February 2019
Day 317 : Strike
Thursday, 14 February 2019
Day 316: Mule
- Save $30 Billion
- Taxing the now legal drug trade would probably raise another $20 Billion
- Legal drugs could be checked so that consumers would know what they are taking and sold in specific shops with specific conditions like guns, tobacco and alcohol.
- Reduction in drug related deaths
- Huge loss of revenue for criminals
- Big boost to the poor farmers in drug producing countries who would now get a fair wage for their work
Wednesday, 13 February 2019
Day 315: 42
Tuesday, 12 February 2019
Day 314: Billboards
- Therese May: I believe it is clearly in our national interest to remain a member of the European Union
- Michael Gove: The day after we vote to leave, we hold all the cards and we can choose the path we want.
- Nigel Farage: In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way.
- David Davis: If a democracy cannot change its mind, it ceases to be a democracy.

Monday, 11 February 2019
Day 313: Guest
This evening Theo asked me to read and correct an essay he had to hand in at school the next day. I told him that I could only do that if he wrote my blog. So today's blog is courtesy of a guest speaker: Theo.
At dinner tonight, Louis asked “What is the point of life?”. No one had a satisfying answer, at least in my eyes. However, I believe, my 16 years on this planet, allow me to contribute an answer.
Some might say society provides purpose by making our lives seemingly more interesting through objectives such as earning money, going to work, acquiring objects… However what would be left of our societies in the advent of a “natural” catastrophe (such as global warming) what would be the point of our lives then ?
In the old ages people relied on religion to give meaning to their life. But now (except in Trump's America) science has replaced it. So how about science? Science is based on testable and justifiable explanations of how the universe works. In a way it is there to find an explanation to everything. Yet how many of us can really feel the effect of quarks or electrons on our day to day lives.
So if society, religion and science are all illusions I ask once again: What is the point of life ?
As I will learn next year in Philosophy, Descartes said “I think therefore I am”. The fact that we can ask ourselves this question is what makes us different. And the fact that we can articulate that thought allows us to also consider that possibly there is no point to life. This might seem a depressing answer however I find it quite beautiful. Because if there is no point to life that means we can choose our own “point” whether it be to help future generations be born in a beautiful world, to make people smile, to have fun or to work incessantly. If there was a point to our lives we would be governed by an ordained objective with no hand in our own fate. We would be just like a tree growing fruits year in, year out with no choice in the matter. So in the end the answer to the question is that each of us can choose our own!
Thanks Theo.
Those of you who wish to appear as guest speakers can send your contributions to my regular e-mail.
Sunday, 10 February 2019
Day 312: 12 Years
Day 311: Tattoo
Friday, 8 February 2019
Day 310 : Euro
Thursday, 7 February 2019
Day 309: 20%
Wednesday, 6 February 2019
Day 308: Racism
Recently Liam Neeson (the famous actor) has been making headlines because he admitted that twenty years ago he wanted to beat-up or even kill any random black man in revenge for the fact that a friend of his had been raped by a black man. To be fair he was telling this story to show how bad the idea of revenge is and he was not proud of it. The story has sparked outrage on social (and traditional) media, principally because Liam Neeson is deemed to be a racist for thinking and saying these things. The actor has defended himself by claiming that he is not a racist and that he understood that he was wrong.
We can all agree that Liam Neeson's reaction 20 years ago was wrong, but a more interesting question is whether he was right to make public his darkest thoughts or should he have kept them to himself ?
On balance I believe that he was right to talk about this to help show that bad instincts happen and the question becomes what do you do about them? Do you let them overtake you or do you control and suppress them when you recognise them as wrong?
Where I do object to Liam Neeson's confession is when he says he is not a racist. I am perfectly prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt in that he does not consider himself a racist now but what he did decades ago was definitely racist whether conscious or not. (Just the fact that he asked his friend what colour the rapist was, shows racism. How is that a relevant question!)
We all have unconscious bias to a greater or lesser extent its better to admit it and then let our rationality compensate.
Tuesday, 5 February 2019
Day 307 : Probability
- Coucou de Rennes au vin blanc à la Romertopf
- Gratin dauphinois
- Yaourt de brebis avec banane et myrtilles
- Democracy lottery: At each election a random voter would receive 10 Million € (This would be a big incentive to get people voting)
- Traffic Ticket Lottery: Every month one person who had payed his traffic fine on time would receive a brand new (electric) car
- Education Lottery: Every Term one school child from each year who had not missed any classes would be picked to receive a full 4 year full scholarship to university
- Income tax lottery: Every year one randomly picked tax payer would get a "tax free card" exempting them from income tax for the rest of their life
- Immigrant lottery: 1 (participating) foreigner from each country in the world would receive a French Passport.
Monday, 4 February 2019
Day 306 : Licence
Sunday, 3 February 2019
Day 305 : Opinion
- Think about our readers
- Write what you know
- Write clearly and accessibly
- Use specific examples
- Be pithy and sharp
Day 304 : Papa
So thanks Dad for having given me the self-confidence that comes of being unique and the humility to realise that everyone is unique.
PS: Also "Thanks" for introducing me to cold showers.
Friday, 1 February 2019
Day 303: Anarchist
- Verre de whisky Kavalan
- Tartare de saumon
- Filets de carrelets au four
- Risotto au poireaux et safran
- Tomates cerises au four
- Fromages
- Tarte aux pommes et poires
- You accept that many people may be taken advantage of with impunity
- You hope that the removal of state violence will ultimately result in a fairer, kinder society where all people are equal
Day 365 (bis) : End!
Well this is it. After 365 days my blog is finally coming to an end. I know there have been ups and downs, good and bad, controversial an...